The Best Custom Fit Ski Boot Liners - ZipFit

The most comfortable and complete connection to your skis.

The most comfortable and complete connection to your skis.

Ensures comfort

"After several bouts of frostbite my feet were very sensitive and I was skiing in pain. My ZipFit liners have changed my life. I got over 100 days in last year. Comfortable and warm. I am skiing without pain all day." -David Micheal Place, Skier


Lasts a lifetime

"The pair that I’m using have between 1400-1500 days! Kinda cool, kinda gross, but they haven't packed out whatsoever from the first day." -Brian Dalla Betta, Snowmass Ski Patrol


Customized to your foot

"I have very small feet (size 22 ski boot). The ability to add cork to my liners in order to take up space in the right spots has been game changing." -McKenna Peterson, Pro Skier

Customized to your foot

Maximizes control

"ZipFits made the biggest difference in my skiing. The tight lace up fit and stiff cork makes your boot more responsive, and gives you so much more control. People ask me how I still ski everyday + compete in race boots, these liners are how." -Taylor Dobyns, Pro Skier


Fits any ski boot

"After 60 years of skiing, I have finally found the perfect boot liner. I really like that I can "re-mold" my liners when I come back after a summer out of ski boots; the possibility of adding, subtracting and moving cork around is priceless." -Ole Retlev, Skier

Fits any ski boot

Handmade in Italy

"In an age when things are mass-produced and looking at a modern boot's liner makes you cringe for workmanship and detail, the ZipFit is a welcome respite. Made in Italy. Worth every penny. This is the real deal."
-Anonymous, Skier

Handmade in Italy

Why Cork?

ZipFit founder, Sven Coomer was the first to use open and closed cell foams in ski boot liners, and the first to abandon these materials. He switched his focus to a natural product and developed a proprietary cork composite material called OMFit to use as fill in the liners.



OMFit cork responds dynamically to heat, flowing from areas of high pressure to voids in your fit, better securing the heels and ankles.



Visualize throwing a cork at the ground. What happens? It bounces back. OMFit cork is incredibly responsive and has higher pliable strength than foam, so energy is transferred to the ski instead of lost to compacted foam.



OMFit cork is malleable and it doesn’t dry out. The added cork integrates with the pre-filled cork in the liner, putting the perfect fit in reach.



OMFit cork comes from the bark of Cork oak trees in Sardinia, Italy. Each Cork Oak tree can be sustainably harvested up to 20 times, and sequesters more CO2 each time it regrows its bark shield.

“ZipFit breaks in, other liners break down”

Sven Coomer, Founder and Designer, ZipFit
Find the correct ZipFits for you.

Find the correct ZipFits for you.

Ski boots don’t have to be painful, discover the fit solution that has worked for thousands of skiers.

60 years of innovation
60 years of innovation

60 years of innovation

ZipFit is the culmination of 60 years of ski boot design and refinement with a commitment to a pain-free fit that supports the natural strength of the human foot.

60 years of innovation
60 years of innovation

As featured in

ZipFit in the wild

ZipFit aims to build meaningful relationships with ski shops, athletes, and customers, sourcing feedback and ideas to create the best products and an accessible, inclusive brand.

ZipFit and Fischer Sports Develop an Award Winning RC4 Pro Ski Boot
Press Features

ZipFit and Fischer Sports Develop an Award Winning RC4 Pro Ski Boot

In the Company's First OEM Partnership, ZipFit Helps Fischer Receive Recognition for Alpine Ski Boot of the Year.

Blister Gear:30 - Innerboots and the Growth of ZipFit
Press Features

Blister Gear:30 - Innerboots and the Growth of ZipFit

(Mar. 10, 2023) Kara Williard and Jonathon Ellsworth talk with Jeff Colt, Brand Director of ZipFit, to make the case for why liners, or “inner boots” are one of the most overlooked yet most important pieces of gear.

National Sven Coomer Day - The Official Start of Winter
Shop Talk

National Sven Coomer Day - The Official Start of Winter

(Oct. 12, 2022)
Each summer we debate the official start of winter. Is it the first snowfall? Is it when the Blister Winter Buyer's Guide comes in the mail? Is it when skiers start reaching out about ZipFits and our phone starts ringing with more frequency?

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Find a dealer close to home

The best fitting experience is in person with a knowledgeable bootfitter. Support your local ski shops.

Frequently asked questions

ZipFit is different and different can be intimidating. Find answers to some of your questions here or reach out to speak with us.

Are ZipFit liners warm?

Yes. ZipFits position your foot correctly so that your ski boots don’t cut off circulation to your feet, this is the single best thing you can do to keep your feet and toes warm. Additionally, ZipFits feature a toe box constructed of neoprene, merino wool, and Thinsulate making for a far warmer fit that conventional foam liners. Neoprene naturally insulates, which is why surfers in the cold northern Atlantic use thick neoprene wetsuits. Pairing neoprene with thermoregulating merino wool and Thinsulate provide warmth without too much thickness, keeping your feet toasty without impacting your stability or reaction time.

What separates ZipFit from other aftermarket liners?

ZipFits far exceed the industry standard. Unlike the thermomoldable foam used in competing liners, ZipFit’s OMFit cork composite material does not compress, meaning you’ll get a consistent fit and your liners won’t pack out, What’s more? You can add more cork to the ankles or tongue of the liner to dial in your perfect fit. Unlike foam injected liners that are “one-and-done,” you can tweak the amount of cork in your liners continuously and since ZipFits can outlast your shells, you can easily re-warm your ZipFits to make sure they fit perfectly in your new shells.

Is there a warranty on liners?

Yes, all ZipFits have a 30 day money back warranty as long as the liners show no more than 5 days of use or alterations. We want to help you get the right fit, if you buy a pair of liners and they’re not what you’re looking for after a couple of days on snow, we will work with you to get the right liner or give you your money back.

Are there any warranty exclusions? 

Yes, if there is evidence that you did not follow proper care instructions, or if it’s clear that you skied the liners for more than 5 days, this may void your warranty.

How soon will my order ship? 

Orders typically ship within 3-5 days, if you want to request expedited shipping please reach out directly.

How often should you replace your ski boot liners?

Many stock liners will change shape and “pack out” after 50-100 days on snow. ZipFit liners often last skiers over 300-500 days on snow. ZipFit liners with the cork composite fill are dramatically different from stock foam liners as the cork material doesn’t compress or “pack out.” Read through our testimonials to learn more about how many days skiers get with a pair of ZipFits and how much better those ski days are.